7 Best Email Marketing Tips for Your Ecommerce Website
26 Aug

7 Best Email Marketing Tips for Your Ecommerce Website

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The term ‘Marketing’ is present in every business. Whenever a product is created, 60% of the product contains manufacturing process and 40% of the product requires marketing process. Marketing is very much important to every successful product.  

Why Marketing is Important? 

When you create a product to sell, your ‘group of audiences’ does not have knowledge about that product. So, you can convey the product benefits and uses to your customers through the marketing medium. 

Marketing acts as a bridge between you and your customers and helps you to explain your products clearly. 

Types of Marketing: 

Since you are online, you may hear different types of marketing like: 

*Social Media Marketing 

*Email Marketing 

*Content Marketing 

*Video Marketing 

*Word of Mouth Marketing, etc., 

In that, email marketing is an important type where you can generate a lot of traffic to your online business. Let’s discuss the important email marketing tips to drive traffic. 

Email Marketing: 

According to stats, email users are expected to reach 4.3 billion in 2023. Also, 293.6 billion emails are transferred every day. It is clear that, there is a huge way in email to reach the audience. 

What is Email Marketing? 

It is the process of sending emails to large number of people with professional templates. It is useful to send your latest product updates to your audience.  

Why Email Marketing is Important? 

Some of the benefits show you the importance of email marketing. Here are they: 

*High ROI 

*Best medium to introduce your new products and your business updates 

*Best channel to increase your relationship with your audience. 

7 Email Marketing tips for Your Ecommerce Website: 

Follow these best email marketing ideas for ecommerce website and get huge traffic. 

>Provide Useful Contents  

>Create Attractive Landing Pages 

> Use Email Marketing Software/ Tools 

> Mobile Optimized Mails 

> Friendly Communication Message 

>Give Valuable Information 

>A/B Testing Process 

1. Provide Useful Contents: 

The main strategy behind email marketing is collecting your customer’s email address. So that, you can send future updates to your customers easily. You can collect the email address of your customers in three ways. 

(i) One way is to ask directly through feedback form. You can achieve two benefits while getting reviews or asking feedback. You can know the quality of your products or business and at the same time, you can get email address. 

(ii) The second way is to ask your customers directly to subscribe to your newsletter. If the visitors like your blog content or your business services, they may hit your ‘subscribe’ option. 

(iii) The third way of getting email address is, providing useful contents. You can either create password protected article, or you can also write engaging eBooks for your audience. Whenever the audience give you email address, you can send the password for that article or eBook via the customers’ email address. 

In marketing, you have to ‘give something useful to get something in return’. Thus, informative contents such as solving queries of people regarding ecommerce help you to get email address from your customers.  

Understand your customers first, by knowing their problems or doubts regarding ecommerce and provide solutions by your useful contents like articles, videos, images, etc. Thus starts your email marketing process! 

2. Create Attractive Landing Pages: 

Landing pages are the pages where the customers land on the ecommerce website. First of all, for a good website, user interface is the priority part to check. Make sure that you have created your online store with attractive ecommerce website templates. If not, change your design with customized themes. For example, Purchase Commerce is providing you friendly, simple, and classy themes for different categories for your ecommerce website. You can give it a try! 

*For Food based ecommerce website- Cressida 

*For Jewellery based ecommerce website- Aurora 

*For Fashion (like outfits) based ecommerce website- Ophelia 

*For pets-based ecommerce website- Rigel 

*For other categories website- Titania and more... 

Use pre-built templates to save your time and design your ecommerce website with interactive landing pages. It helps the customers to navigate your web pages easily. So that you can also design the eBook download page beautifully to get the email address. 

3. Use Email Marketing Software/ Tools: 

How will you send one mail to large set of customers? 

You can use email marketing software or tool to send many emails at a time. There are many email marketing tools available like MailChimp, Get Response, etc. by which you can send multiple emails. 

Mailchimp is a free to use software for upto 2000 subscribers.  When you want to upgrade, then you can use GetResponse software which is offering good email marketing services at low cost and has best features when compared to Mailchimp. When the user enters the email address to download your eBook or simply subscribe your newsletter, their email address will store in that marketing software by which you can get the subscribers’ mailing list. 

Now, you can send the many mails to your customers at a time.  

4. Mobile Optimized Mails: 

You have to know that most of the people are using mobile phones to read their emails. Hence, before sending the emails, you have to check whether the email content fits both PC and mobile screen so that everyone can read making use of it. 

Mobile optimization is easily achieved in email marketing software. It provides your pre-designed template in which you can design your email format and also analyze the screen fitness for your mail.  

Hence, use the software and template that support both mobile and PC screens.  

5. Friendly Communication Message: 

It is also important to focus on the email content that you are sending. You have to write messages that are interactive to your customers. Through emails, you are speaking directly (virtually direct) to your customers; so, use friendly words to make them feel that your mail is sent only by you and not by a robotic process. This will help the customer to open your mail and encourage them to take respective actions like purchasing or downloading your product, or sharing your product details, etc., 

6. Give Valuable Information: 

The ‘subject’ in the mail or simply the headline of the mail is very important as it is the first information that your audiences will note and that headline will decide whether the audience open your emails or not.  

Always be confident with your mail headings by using friendly and curious words. Then it is essential to mention your contact details like your ecommerce website details, your mail-id to reply, contact number and social media links, so that they can easily contact you in return. If you also have physical or registered address for your business, you can also display it in the email content. 

In the main content section, provide only the valuable information. If you send unnecessary emails to the customers, then there is a chance that the users will unsubscribe to your newsletter. Also note that you don’t make your customers sad by sending multiple mails daily. It may lead to withdrawing the subscription. You have to maintain the email sending limitations by sending 2-4 mails per month. 

You can send mails about: 

>Your new product releases 

>Your best blog articles  

>Your new business updates 

>Your offers, discounts, or seasonal deals 

>You can send giveaways or gifts to delight your customers using this email marketing process. 

7. A/B Testing Process: 

 Final tip is, never send the same email content to all customers at the same time. You can design the content format in two different ways. Use A/B testing process in your email marketing software and send first content format to 50% of your audience list and send the second format to remaining 50% of the customer list. This helps you to analyze which format attracts the customers, encourage them to open the mails and complete the necessary action of purchasing the product. So that you can find the best content now and you can send this same content by retargeting the audience again. 

Also, before sending the mails, you have to check the email by sending it to your personal email-id. So that you can get better user experience and it helps you to approach the users in the right way. 

These are the 7 essential email marketing tips that you have to carry on with your ecommerce website. 


I hope these 7 best marketing tips help you in some way to increase your sales growth. 

Purchase Commerce is the leading and best ecommerce software that helps you to build the friendly and customized ecommerce website with the latest technology and features. 

You can talk to our ecommerce expert to design your successful ecommerce website.